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old front page

Check it out

“A few years ago, I read a book by Freud on jokes. I didn’t smile, even when I finished it. I’m told that your jokes summer camp was a good deal more successful. So, thank you – very much – for your generosity and the excellence of your work. The Fighting Words board really appreciates it, and so do I”

Roddy Doyle (Co-Founder and Chair, Fighting Words)

Our Friends and Partners

Clown Around

We provide year-round full and part-time workshops for infants and children.

Writing & Speaking

We provide year-round full and part-time workshops for infants and children.

Laugh Out Loud

We provide year-round full and part-time workshops for infants and children.

Playing Games

We provide year-round full and part-time workshops for infants and children.

you’ve got to be joking, right?



What is being said…